
Sunday, August 29, 2010

be patient my dear....

be patient ya my dear...
on 2nd Sept u are going back to your hometown...
i cannot wait too long here...for 8 months and 1 day i live at peninsular malaysia...
i miss my family so much...
i want to stay for a long time, but i have my obligation that its not finished yet...
so, i must be patient to stay and live here for a short period...
after your finished your study, i know it's quite difficult to come here more...


  1. pulanglah sygku....keluargamu menunggumu... kami pula yg merinduimu...

  2. your heart@ my heart: ya..keluargu pasti menungguku tp aku terpaksa menaiki bot sblm sampai ke sabah n kampung halaman ku... doakan aku suapaya selamat sampai ya my heart...:)

  3. doaku sentiasa mengiringimu sweetheart...aminn...
